Speed up compilation by 13% by simplifying Catch unit tests

In the previous two days, I've working on improving compilation time of my project Expression Templates Library (ETL). I have been able to reduce the compilation time of the complete test suite from 794 seconds to 764 seconds (using only one thread). Trying to get further, I started checking what was taking the most time in a test case when I saw that the REQUIRE calls of the test library were taking a large portion of the compilation time!

I have been using Catch as my test framework for more than two years and it's really been great overall. It is a great tool, header-only, fully-featured, XML reporting for Sonar, ... It really has everything I need from a test framework.

Contrary to some popular test frameworks that provides ASSERT_EQUALS, ASSERT_GREATER and all fashion of assert macros, Catch only provides one version: REQUIRE. For instance:

REQUIRE(x == 1.0);
REQUIRE(y < 5.5);
REQUIRE((z + x) != 22.01f);

The left and right part are detected with some smart template and operator overloading techniques and this makes for very nice test output in case of errors, for instance:

test/src/dyn_matrix.cpp:16: FAILED:
  REQUIRE( test_matrix.rows() == 2UL )
with expansion:
  3 == 2

I think this is pretty nice and the tests are really clear. However, it comes with a cost and I underestimated this at first.

To overcome this, I create two new macros (and few other variations) REQUIRE_EQUALS and REQUIRE_DIRECT that simply bypass Catch deduction of the expression:

inline void evaluate_result_direct(Catch::ResultBuilder&& __result, bool value){
    __result.setLhs(value ? "true" : "false");

template<typename L, typename R>
void evaluate_result(Catch::ResultBuilder&& __result, L lhs, R rhs){
    __result.setResultType(lhs == rhs);

#define REQUIRE_DIRECT(value) \
    evaluate_result_direct(Catch::ResultBuilder( "REQUIRE", CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #value, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal ), value);

#define REQUIRE_EQUALS(lhs, rhs) \
    evaluate_result(Catch::ResultBuilder( "REQUIRE", CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #lhs " == " #rhs, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal ), lhs, rhs);

There is really nothing too special about it, I simply followed the macros and functions in Catch source code until I found out what to bypass.

And now, we use them directly:


This is a bit less nice and it requires to know a few more macros, I admit, but it turns out to be much faster (and who really cares about the beauty of test code anyway...). Indeed, the total compilation time of the tests went from 764 seconds to 664 seconds! This is a 13% reduction of the compilation time! I really am impressed of the overhead of this technique. I cannot justify this slowdown just for a bit nicer test code. Finally, the output in case of error remains exactly the same as before.

This proves that sometimes the bottlenecks are not where we expect them :)

If you are interested, you can find the adapted code on Github.

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