Posts about C++
- C++ Refresh and new technos: FP16 and AVX512
- C++23 Refresh and budgetwarrior 1.1.0
- A short update
- budgetwarrior 1.0.1: Allocation tracking, Retirement calculator and bug fixes
- Decrease DLL neural network compilation time with C++17
- C++17 Migration of Expression Templates Library (ETL)
- budgetwarrior 1.0: Web interface and asset tracking!
- Expression Templates Library 1.2.1: Faster GPU and new features
- Advanced GPU Patterns Optimization in ETL
- DLL New Features: Embeddings and Merge layers
- Budgetwarrior: Track assets and portfolio, savings rates and auto-completion
- Deep Learning Library 1.0 - Fast Neural Network Library
- Expression Templates Library (ETL) 1.2 - Complete GPU support
- C++11 Performance tip: Update on when to use std::pow ?
- How I made my Deep Learning Library 38% faster to compile (Optimization and C++17 if constexpr)
- C++11 Performance tip: When to use std::pow ?
- budgetwarrior 0.4.2 - Budget summary and improved fortune reports
- C++11 Concurrency Tutorial - Part 5: Futures
- Simplify your type traits with C++14 variable templates
- DLL: Blazing Fast Neural Network Library
- Compiler benchmark GCC and Clang on C++ library (ETL)
- Expression Templates Library (ETL) 1.1
- C++ Containers Benchmark: vector/list/deque and plf::colony
- Update on Expression Templates Library (ETL)
- Partial type erasing in Deep Learning Library (DLL) to improve compilation time
- Use clang-tidy for static analysis and integration in Sonarqube
- Disappointing zapcc performance on Deep Learning Library (DLL)
- Release of zapcc 1.0 - Fast C++ compiler
- Publication: CPU Performance Optimizations for RBM and CRBM
- PVS-Studio on C++ Library Review
- C++ Compiler benchmark on Expression Templates Library (ETL)
- zapcc C++ compilation speed against gcc 5.4 and clang 3.9
- zapcc - a faster C++ compiler
- Blazing fast unit test compilation with doctest 1.1
- Short review of Bullseye Coverage
- Expression Templates Library (ETL) 1.0
- Update: Thor, Thesis and Publications
- eddic 1.2.4: New Boost Spirit X3 parser and minor cleanups
- Speed up compilation by 13% by simplifying Catch unit tests
- Use templight and Templar to debug C++ templates
- Improve DLL and ETL Compile Time further
- Simulate static_if with C++11/C++14
- Improve ETL compile-time with Precompiled Headers
- How I improved (a bit) compile time of ETL ?
- Continuous Performance Management with CPM for C++
- C++17 Fold Expressions
- Sonar C++ Community Plugin Review
- Named Optional Template parameters to configure a class at compile-time
- SonarQube inspections for C++ projects
- budgetwarrior 0.4.1 - Expense templates and year projection
- Catch: A powerful yet simple C++ test framework
- ETL - C++ library for vector and matrix computations
- budgetwarrior 0.4 - Enhanced wish list and aggregate
- Compile integer Square Roots at compile-time in C++
- budgetwarrior 0.3.1 - Git versioning and easier creation
- Install and Use CLang Static Analyzer on a CMake project
- Related posts on a Nikola website
- budgetwarrior 0.3.0 - Objective and wish management
- Thor OS: Boot Process
- New hobby project: Thor-OS, 64bit Operating System in C++
- budgetwarrior 0.2 - Visual reports, fortune status and expenses aggregates
- budgetwarrior 0.1.0 - command-line personal budgeting tool
- Some news
- eddic 1.2.0 - Single inheritance, copy construction
- C++ Benchmark - std::list VS boost::intrusive::list
- CMake Testing - Rerun the last failed tests with CTest
- C++ benchmark – std::vector VS std::list VS std::deque
- C++ benchmark - std::vector VS std::list
- EDDI Compiler 1.1.4 – Graph Coloring Register Allocation
- Integer Linear Time Sorting Algorithms
- Run your Boost Tests in parallel with CMake
- EDDI Compiler 1.1.3 - Templates
- EDDI Compiler 1.1.2 – Read command line
- Algorithms books Reviews
- EDDI Compiler 1.1.1 – Dynamic Memory Allocation and Constructors/Destructors
- C++11 Synchronization Benchmark
- EDDI Compiler 1.1.0 - Member functions
- Manage command-line options with Boost Program Options
- C++11 Concurrency Tutorial - Part 4: Atomic Types
- EDDI Compiler 1.0.3 - Inlining and register allocation
- EDDI Compiler 1.0.2 – Better pointer support and Dead-Code Elimination
- EDDI Compiler 1.0.1 - Pointers and better struct support
- EDDI Compiler 1.0 - Structures and Global Optimizations
- C++11 Concurrency Tutorial - Part 3: Advanced locking and condition variables
- C++11 Concurrency Tutorial - Part 2 : Protect shared data
- EDDIC 0.9.1 - Enhanced floating point support
- C++11 Concurrency - Part 1 : Start Threads
- Install the Insight Debugger on Linux Mint (works for Ubuntu too)
- Use Boost enable_if to handle ambiguous function overload return types
- Compilers : Principles, Techniques & Tools - Book Review
- EDDIC 0.7 : New compilation model and optimizations
- C++ Templates : The Complete Guide - Book Review
- EDDI Compiler 0.6.1 : Function return types
- EDDI Compiler 0.6.0 : Arrays
- Boost 1.48.0 has been released
- Boost intrusive_ptr : faster shared pointer
- eddic 0.5.1 : Better assembly generation and faster parsing
- Effective STL Book Review
- EDDIC 0.5 : Functions and foreach
- Diploma Thesis : Inlining Assistance for large-scale object-oriented applications
- Book Review : More Effective C++
- Book Review : Effective C++
- How to profile C++ application with Callgrind / KCacheGrind
- How to compute metrics of C++ project using CCCC
- EDDI 0.4.1 : Loops and better assembly generation
- EDDI 0.4 : Native compilation and swap operator
- How to profile your applications using the Linux perf tools
- EDDI 0.3 - Branches and conditions if, else if, else
- Book Review : Accelerated C++
- EDDI 0.2.1 : Integer operations and optimizations
- EDDI 0.2 : Integers and variables
- How to install a specific version of GCC on Ubuntu 11.04 (natty)
- EDDI 0.1.1 : Variables
- Write and read binary files in C++
- EDDI : A new programming language project