Initial support for Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) in DLL
I'm happy to announce that I just merged support for Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) into my Deep Learning Library (DLL) machine learning framework.
It's nothing fancy yet, but forward propagation of RNN and basic Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) are now supported. For now, only existing classification loss is supported for RNN. I plan to add support for sequence-to-sequence loss in order to be able to train models able to generate characters, but I don't know when I'll be able to work on that. I also plan to add support for other types of cells such as LSTM and GRU (maybe NAS) in the future.
For example, here is a simple RNN used on MNIST:
#include "dll/neural/dense_layer.hpp" #include "dll/neural/recurrent_layer.hpp" #include "dll/neural/recurrent_last_layer.hpp" #include "dll/network.hpp" #include "dll/datasets.hpp" int main(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ []) { // Load the dataset auto dataset = dll::make_mnist_dataset_nc(dll::batch_size<100>{}, dll::scale_pre<255>{}); constexpr size_t time_steps = 28; constexpr size_t sequence_length = 28; constexpr size_t hidden_units = 100; // Build the network using network_t = dll::dyn_network_desc< dll::network_layers< dll::recurrent_layer<time_steps, sequence_length, hidden_units, dll::last_only>, dll::recurrent_last_layer<time_steps, hidden_units>, dll::dense_layer<hidden_units, 10, dll::softmax> > , dll::updater<dll::updater_type::ADAM> // Adam , dll::batch_size<100> // The mini-batch size >::network_t; auto net = std::make_unique<network_t>(); // Display the network and dataset net->display(); // Train the network for performance sake net->fine_tune(dataset.train(), 50); // Test the network on test set net->evaluate(dataset.test()); return 0; }
The network starts with recurrent layer, followed by a layer that extracts only the last layer and finally a dense layer with a softmax function. The recurrent layer has support to change the activation function, change the initializer for the two weights matrices of the RNN and the number of steps for BPTT truncation.
Here is a possible result:
Network with 3 layers RNN(dyn): 28x28 -> TANH -> 28x100 RNN(last): 28x100 -> 100 Dense(dyn): 100 -> SOFTMAX -> 10 Total parameters: 13800 Train the network with "Stochastic Gradient Descent" Updater: ADAM Loss: CATEGORICAL_CROSS_ENTROPY Early Stop: Goal(error) With parameters: epochs=50 batch_size=100 learning_rate=0.001 beta1=0.9 beta2=0.999 Epoch 0/50 - Classification error: 0.11635 Loss: 0.39999 Time 4717ms Epoch 1/50 - Classification error: 0.11303 Loss: 0.36994 Time 4702ms Epoch 2/50 - Classification error: 0.06732 Loss: 0.23469 Time 4702ms Epoch 3/50 - Classification error: 0.04865 Loss: 0.17091 Time 4696ms Epoch 4/50 - Classification error: 0.05957 Loss: 0.20437 Time 4706ms Epoch 5/50 - Classification error: 0.05022 Loss: 0.16888 Time 4696ms Epoch 6/50 - Classification error: 0.03912 Loss: 0.13743 Time 4698ms Epoch 7/50 - Classification error: 0.04097 Loss: 0.14509 Time 4706ms Epoch 8/50 - Classification error: 0.03938 Loss: 0.13397 Time 4694ms Epoch 9/50 - Classification error: 0.03525 Loss: 0.12284 Time 4706ms Epoch 10/50 - Classification error: 0.03927 Loss: 0.13770 Time 4694ms Epoch 11/50 - Classification error: 0.03315 Loss: 0.11315 Time 4711ms Epoch 12/50 - Classification error: 0.05037 Loss: 0.17123 Time 4711ms Epoch 13/50 - Classification error: 0.02927 Loss: 0.10042 Time 4780ms Epoch 14/50 - Classification error: 0.03322 Loss: 0.11027 Time 4746ms Epoch 15/50 - Classification error: 0.03397 Loss: 0.11585 Time 4684ms Epoch 16/50 - Classification error: 0.02938 Loss: 0.09984 Time 4708ms Epoch 17/50 - Classification error: 0.03262 Loss: 0.11152 Time 4690ms Epoch 18/50 - Classification error: 0.02872 Loss: 0.09753 Time 4672ms Epoch 19/50 - Classification error: 0.02548 Loss: 0.08605 Time 4691ms Epoch 20/50 - Classification error: 0.02245 Loss: 0.07797 Time 4693ms Epoch 21/50 - Classification error: 0.02705 Loss: 0.08984 Time 4684ms Epoch 22/50 - Classification error: 0.02422 Loss: 0.08164 Time 4688ms Epoch 23/50 - Classification error: 0.02645 Loss: 0.08804 Time 4690ms Epoch 24/50 - Classification error: 0.02927 Loss: 0.09739 Time 4715ms Epoch 25/50 - Classification error: 0.02578 Loss: 0.08669 Time 4702ms Epoch 26/50 - Classification error: 0.02785 Loss: 0.09368 Time 4700ms Epoch 27/50 - Classification error: 0.02472 Loss: 0.08237 Time 4695ms Epoch 28/50 - Classification error: 0.02125 Loss: 0.07324 Time 4690ms Epoch 29/50 - Classification error: 0.01977 Loss: 0.06635 Time 4688ms Epoch 30/50 - Classification error: 0.03635 Loss: 0.12140 Time 4689ms Epoch 31/50 - Classification error: 0.02862 Loss: 0.09704 Time 4698ms Epoch 32/50 - Classification error: 0.02463 Loss: 0.08158 Time 4686ms Epoch 33/50 - Classification error: 0.02565 Loss: 0.08771 Time 4697ms Epoch 34/50 - Classification error: 0.02278 Loss: 0.07634 Time 4718ms Epoch 35/50 - Classification error: 0.02105 Loss: 0.07075 Time 4697ms Epoch 36/50 - Classification error: 0.02770 Loss: 0.09358 Time 4711ms Epoch 37/50 - Classification error: 0.02627 Loss: 0.08805 Time 4742ms Epoch 38/50 - Classification error: 0.02282 Loss: 0.07712 Time 4708ms Epoch 39/50 - Classification error: 0.02305 Loss: 0.07661 Time 4697ms Epoch 40/50 - Classification error: 0.02243 Loss: 0.07773 Time 4700ms Epoch 41/50 - Classification error: 0.02467 Loss: 0.08234 Time 4712ms Epoch 42/50 - Classification error: 0.01808 Loss: 0.06186 Time 4691ms Epoch 43/50 - Classification error: 0.02388 Loss: 0.07917 Time 4681ms Epoch 44/50 - Classification error: 0.02162 Loss: 0.07508 Time 4699ms Epoch 45/50 - Classification error: 0.01877 Loss: 0.06289 Time 4735ms Epoch 46/50 - Classification error: 0.02263 Loss: 0.07969 Time 4764ms Epoch 47/50 - Classification error: 0.02100 Loss: 0.07207 Time 4684ms Epoch 48/50 - Classification error: 0.02425 Loss: 0.08076 Time 4752ms Epoch 49/50 - Classification error: 0.02328 Loss: 0.07803 Time 4718ms Restore the best (error) weights from epoch 42 Training took 235s Evaluation Results error: 0.03000 loss: 0.12260 evaluation took 245ms
Nothing fancy, but this example is not necessarily optimized.
All this support is now in the master branch of the DLL project if you want to check it out. You can also check out the example online: mnist_rnn.cpp
You can access the project on Github.
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